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Veranstaltungsreihe: Walter Benjamin Lectures

Walter Benjamin Lectures 2022 with Nancy Fraser: Three Faces of Capitalist Labor

Three Faces of Capitalist Labor: Uncovering the Hidden Ties among Gender, Race, and Class


Di., 14.06.2022
18:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr


Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW)



Nancy Fraser’s 2022 Benjamin lectures are inspired by W.E.B. Du Bois’ claim that 19th century America had two labor movements, anti-slavery and trade unionism, which tragically failed to unite. Extending this idea to the present, Fraser proposes to add a third­: construing feminism, too, as a labor movement, focused on the work of care. Labor, she argues, forms the hidden link between gender, race, and class.


June 14th –  Gender, Race, and Class through the Lens of Labor: A Post-Intersectional Analysis of Capitalist Society

Dissatisfied with identity-based politics, many activists and intellectuals are now seeking larger paradigms that can unify disparate struggles. Aiming to advance that project, Fraser proposes that capitalist society relies on three distinct types of labor: exploited, expropriated, and domesticated. By theorizing their structural entwinement, she discloses the inner, systemic ties between gender, race, and class.


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Weitere Informationen

Veranstalter: Humanities and Social Change Center
Referenten: Nancy Fraser

Zur Website der Veranstaltung


Susann Schmeißer
Telefon: 030 2093 99154


John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin

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