Event Series: KOSMOS-Lesungen
Energy and Extraction: A Philosophical Approach
The lecture will analyse the place of philosophy within the broader field of environmental humanities, and focus on the discussion of philosophical perspectives on the problems of energy, including current energy crisis and the perspectives of energy transition. Stressing on the intrinsic connection between society and nature, it will address the collision between economy and ecology and question the limits of sustainability in the situation when climate change, pollution and the loss of biodiversity affect different territories and communities.
Oxana Timofeeva is a D.Sc. in philosophy, Senior Associate at the Institute of Global Reconstitution (IGRec, Berlin), invited researcher at the UdK Berlin, and a member of the artistic collective "Chto Delat" ("What is to be done"). Her most recent publications include Freud’s Beasty Boys (2025), Solar Politics (2022), How to Love a Homeland (2020), and History of Animals (2018). The lecture will be moderated by Dr. Stefan Schäfer, Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
There is no registration necessary. Free of charge!
About the lecture series
The KOSMOS-Lesungen are in the tradition of one of the most famous lecture series in the German history of science: Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos Lectures. Around 200 years ago, the natural scientist spanned the entire world and all disciplines of science. Today's interdisciplinary KOSMOS lectures are dedicated to the challenging transformation processes in the age of the Anthropocene.
Note on film and photo recordings
During the event, photos and videos will be taken. The material will be used exclusively for the purpose of public relations
Further information
Organizer: IRI THESys
Speakers: Oxana Timofeeva
Director: Dr. Stefan Schäfer
Further information on the event's website
Anne Dombrowski
Phone: 030 2093-66334